Canticles of the Unhomed

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

An Experiment

So here I am. I feel like such a bandwagon-jumper. All of you who read this that were present for my little diatribe in Alexander's that time will know what I'm talking about. Well, I guess I have a blog now. May the Lord have mercy upon my soul. :)
:: written by Matt Thompson, 2:44 PM


Welcome to the daily hell that is blogging. ;) Now you too can worry about who is going to read what you're blogging and just how far you dare go into your own personal stuff in public before people break out the pitchforks, heat them up over the flames of rash comments and pierce the souls of any who dare oppose them....

< passes out the tin foil hats >

Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:32 AM  
Poser! ;)

Now we can all fight over who's blogging disciple you are.

Seriously though, have fun with it. It was good meeting you in S'toon. Good luck with the writing!
Blogger becky, at 2:05 PM  
Welcome....I'm loosely connected to those you wspent time with at Alexander's and I too have been influenced. Blogging this has become an important part of my daily life.
Blogger Chris, at 2:35 PM  
Hey Matt,

I won't bark at you in your comments so long as you don't make me climb the walls. ;)

Welcome to blogdom. Have fun.
Blogger N, at 3:40 PM  

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