Canticles of the Unhomed

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

And So This is Christmas

So I'm back. The Christmas season is over and I can rest easy again, relatively. For me Christmas was spent in the embrace of my friend Adam's kith and kin. They live out Lethbridge way, and I, along with Adam's girlfriend Amanda spent four days hanging out with the fam. Of course, the appropriate family drama ensued. However, I got to meet Adam's cousin Shane and Shane's boyfriend Sean. Awesome guys. Really, really great guys. Shane is preparing to enter seminary to be a Lutheran pastor, so he and I pretty much connected right away. He and Sean really transformed my whole thinking about the homosexual issue. That is a blog post yet to come.

But as the five of us, Adam, Amanda, Shane, Sean and I pretty much spent all the time together. It was very good. But as we sat around telling the stories of our families, and all the stories were BAD, I thought to myself, why the fuck do we hang out with these people? If these were relationships with just acquintances that were this painful and this negative, we would cut them off and move on. BUt, somehow we think that family is this magic relationship that we need to endure regardless. Bullshit.

I have been reading about how urban young people our age (25-30) are forming urban tribes made up of friends and communities that are replacing familial relationships. I think this is a result of this phenomena.

Maybe its just another sign of the dissolution of the family unit. :P
:: written by Matt Thompson, 4:55 PM


A wise man once gave me some advice whilst listening to my concerns about my future plans, it ran a little something like this:

The most important thing you can do is take care of your family. All other concerns must take a back seat to this truth. (my paraphrase...but pretty close)

I wonder what he meant by that?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:25 PM  

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