Canticles of the Unhomed
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Casting My Pearls Before Swine
So here I sit in the Cafe on a beautiful and sunny Wednesday afternoon (it was afternoon when I began writing this - it is now evening) trying to write. While my first book is going to print my publisher has contracted me to write a sequel (or follow-up or whatever) to the first book. (Yay!) But am I writing that which I am actually getting paid to write? Of course not. That would be foolish. Currently my word count is sitting at 2839, which is pitiful. Not that I put much stock in word counts. However, since that number has not changed in close to a week, it is appalling. I am having a hard time getting excited about the plot. I decided to write a prequel. (Yes, I know the prequel thing has been done.) The first book is the story of a good man who is corrupted by hatred and the desire for revenge. I thought I would write a prequel showing his nobility, which I thought should make his descent into darkness that much more poignant. But, its just not coming. Everything I write seems boring, derivitive and pedestrian. The plot is this: the main character, (the guy who goes bad) and his crew (made up of the major characters from the first book) come to this planet and are forced to defend them when the planet is invaded. However, the aliens refuse to defend themselves, forcing the main guy to ask the question of whether or not the lives of these aliens are worth the lives of himself and his crew. Drivel. I think I'm going to have to have a major rethink of the whole thing.
So, since i cannot write that which I am being paid to write, I'm writing on a project that I pull out every once in awhile when I can't do anything productive with my own stuff. I'm sort of ashamed to admit that I'm working on it. I could never get it published, let alone get paid for it. Its a waste of my talent, but its almost like a guilty pleasure. Its a Star Trek novel. I know. My dorkiness knows no bounds. The way I justify it to myself is at least I'm writing.
:: written by Matt Thompson, 8:32 PM
Actually, I just talked to my publisher, and he said that if I want to change Damian Black's name, that I have four days in which to make the change. Since the book has already gone to layout, I cannot make anything more than a simple search and replace kind of change. So, I'm thinking about changing Damian Black to Gabriel White. No, just kidding. :) Actually, though I am thinking about changing the name. I keep making fun of the Left Behind books because they have characters like "Rayford Steele" and "Buck Williams" - which I think are some of the worst character names in literary history. However, as I think about it Damian Black has a very similar feel. So, suggestions?
Everyone needs a little indulgence; I can't imagine how exciting it must be to have something that you wrote be published. It's something that I occasionally think about but always get stuck on this: I could never be like Margaret Atwood. Never like John Irving. So what's the point?
The point is not to be like those guys. Do you think I want to be like Asimov, or Bradbury or Tolkien? Of course not. The point is to give life to that which is inside of you. Likewise, not every painter is going to be a Michaelangilo. (I know I spelled that wrong)
I've been thinking of Gideon Stark.
I've been thinking of Gideon Stark.