Canticles of the Unhomed

Monday, December 20, 2004

Still Alive... kinda

So, yes, I am still here, and I am still blogging. The past couple of weeks or so have been nuts, but its mostly over.

First, I have been doing non-stop Xmas charity work with Shirley. Crazy busy. Why do people only do charity stuff during Christmas? Well, I know the answer to that question, but still, I like to bitch. :) The work has been good for me - its my attempt to change my attitude about Christmas.

Second, I have been working non-stop on the sequel to my first novel. I had a scary (okay, not so scary) visit from my editor who suggested that I might want to get to work. So, she and I threw around some ideas, and I think I have something workable; I just need to actually WRITE.

Third, there has been major crap going on with my church; our pastor leaving, leadership leaving, people feeling burnt out, etc, and me and a couple of others trying to keep it all together. More on that on a future post.

Many of these topics I need more time to write about, but I am late for my accountability meeting so I need to go. I wanted to at least do a short post for people whose universe imploded without their daily unhomed musing. :) (I only wish that were true.)

Have fun. Happy fucking holidays.
:: written by Matt Thompson, 7:11 PM


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