Canticles of the Unhomed

Friday, February 04, 2005

Here We Go Again

So I didn't get the Ikon job. "Due to expense constraints hiring has been frozen," was the official response, though they told me that things should open up again in the future and they would "reach out" to me. Blah, blah, blah. Oh well.

Still fighting with Fido. Today they told me that according to their records my original phone (which I found) no longer exists in their system and is listed as "destroyed." Therefore I have to activate the new phone, which they demand that I pay the insurance deductible for, even though I am holding a perfectly good, intact phone in my hand at this very moment. Have no fear. They WILL submit to my will.

Talked to my editor today. She thought that the 5000 words "showed promise, but lacked the drive and passion of the first installment." No shit. She wasn't thrilled about my idea to start over again, but I think she realized that what I had just wasn't cutting the mustard. I think the problem is that the original is primarily character-driven, while this sequel was going to be plot-driven. The latter is okay, but then it turns very much into just another generic science-fiction story a la any of a hundred Star Trek novels. The problem is that I could just replicate the structure of the first novel - a central, flawed character surrounded by several foils that reflect different aspects of the central character's conflict. But that's been done. I don't know - I'll need to think about it some more.

I am trying very hard not to think about Sunday. Everything is pretty much set, and I think it is just in God's hands now. I, personally, have done all that I can. I just need to rest now.
:: written by Matt Thompson, 4:31 PM


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