Canticles of the Unhomed

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Community the Communist Commune Way

Actually, this post has nothing to do with Communism, Communes or the way of either. However, it does have to do with community... I just wanted to play with the words.

Some of you may notice the absence of the link to Ali's blog in my link section. She asked that I remove it, since too many people she knew were reading her blog. After long, and sometimes painful conversation about this, I can reassure everyone who is interested that Ali and Jeremy are doing just FINE, and while they appreciate your love and support, you can just feel free to leave them alone. Oy. Beyond the trouble this has caused, I find this whole situation very interesting from the perspective of living in community. If we are living in community, where is the line between public life and private life? When two people live in community with other people, at what point do we draw the line beyond which members of the community do not have the right to comment or even know about certain details? Are there details that community members, regardless of how close the relationship, should not be privy to? Of course, due to the nature of the House, and the type of community that we are trying to build, the answer to that question may be differnt from other churches. Nonetheless, the question stands. When you expose certain details of your life on a blog, which people in the community then read, does that then FORCE you to live out those details in the full view of the community? I don't know, and I am not referring to Ali here. (No scathing emails, please Ali.)

So I am writing a love story. No sci-fi, no fantasy, just a present day love story. My publisher has expressed some interest in it, so I feel justified in wasting effort on it. However, where I am in the story right now is proving extrememly difficult to write, since it is hitting far too close to home. Ostensibly, writing it is supposed to help me work through it, but so far I have been spared the cathartic effect.

Check out a new blog in my link section. It is the blog of Estelle Besserer, who just happens to be, in my opinion, the most beautiful person in Saskatchewan that is also married to my buddy Jayson. Her blog is actually quite good looking, so check it out.
:: written by Matt Thompson, 10:20 PM


Thank you Matt. You really do know how to make a person feel incredibly special.
It's going to be awesome hanging out with you again soon. Jayson and I are already getting ready for our annual feast of bacon and eggs that we always enjoy with you here:)
Blogger Estelle, at 9:39 PM  
Inset [SCATHING EMAIL] here.
Blogger Nietzsche's Girl, at 10:26 PM  
I don't think that these demarcation lines actually do exist at The House, nor do I think they should. Fox network has already purchased rights (from me, naturally) to get all up in everyone's face with the cameras, interviews, et cetera, and will suggest plots and story lines for us at The House to follow on occasion. This all will probably shatter any precept anyone has about "personal space" (read: "back off before I stabbity you something silly!".)

What you probably wanted to hear though, is that I think it really is up to the individual's own personality. Everyone seems to unveil themselves in time, and it only hurts the relationship to insist upon knowing everything about the said person. If God revealed himself to us all at once, our brains would likely explode (or implode depending on personal preference.) Similarly, we should enjoy respecting the boundaries our friends set on what we know about them in order to have that feeling of relational growth throughout the years as we reveal ourselves to each other (keep your mind out of the gutter please).

Naturally, our commitment at The House demands pushing the envelope a bit, but our decision to participate in such an idea almost guarantees that superficial relationships do not happen. Just beacuse we haven't had time to interact doesn't mean we should stalk a member (except for me, I can do that.)

Anyways, I put the emphasis on the individual "disclosing" themselves to us, not trying to force or impede upon that very delicate action. Just my opinion (in accordance with the ancient prophecy.) ^^)
Blogger Lightfoot, at 4:21 PM  
A random stalking or abduction might serve to spice things up a bit!
Blogger Chuck, at 10:31 AM  
I've found the best cure for having people actually read my blog is to not post on it for weeks at a time... or to conduct such a boring life that no one is interested.

Hey... when are you coming back to SK to pester random people about wing specials?

- RyeShy
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:27 AM  

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