Canticles of the Unhomed

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Stuck Again

So I am on retreat. I am in self-imposed isolation for a few days to think about some stuff. That is not to say that if you want to hang out with me, you can't call me or come by.

Writing that "Stuck" post a few days back made me think about some stuff.

1. I really like my life. I sleep well, which as some of you know was a major thing for me. I don't worry about the future. I no longer feel dread when considering ministry. When I am quiet, my thoughts are ordered and still.

2. I like the rhythyms of my life. I enjoy the amounts of time I have to devote to the House, my writing, and general philosophizing. I try to work out in the mornings, write and pray in the afternoon, and devote my evenings to people. Every once in a while I pull a shift at Dabar, where I get to meet more people. This type of rhythym makes sense. It forces me to live a very simple lifestyle, since not having a 9-to-5 job, and depending on my writing for my income forces me to face certain economic realities. But, I am content.

3. I am in a good place in my relationship with God. My master has been good to me. He has blest me overwhelmingly with an ongoing sense of his presence, and insight into his character. I feel I am being at once supported, propelled and defined by my Master. To what end, I don't know, but I am content with that as well. My master knows his business. I believe he has blessed me with my share of adventure, and now is content to just teach me to breathe. Breath is life; air is a gift from God.

4. My master has impressed me with a mission; nothing as glamorous as going overseas or anything like that. I am being lead into some kind of role with Wycliffe Bible Translators, which is strange considering my admittedly tenuous relationship with linguistics. (just ask me to pronounce some greek and you'll know what I am talking about) I impressed with the sense that I must work in some way that goes beyond the scope of my immediate community. As well, I will be working with the Edmonton Food Bank, sorting food or sweeping floors, or answering phones or whatever they would have me do. There is a good chance that I will find my way onto a Habitat for Humanity crew sometime this summer. Likewise, I have been communicating with UNICEF to find someway I can help with the Indonesian Tsunami relief; possibly some speaking or writing. (Props to Shirley for getting me thinking in that direction)

5. All that's fine and good, and will keep me busy, but I have also been thinking of a community where the House can incarnate ourselves. As many of you know, the financing for our purchase of the Fulton house has been delayed until we officially become a member of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada, which will happen in the fall. This is a great opportunity, since it gives us the chance to consider where in Edmonton we would like to be planted. What type of community are we being called to? Do we stay in the Whyte Ave area and minister to street people and students? Or Millwoods, and minister to immigrants and ethic minorities? Or maybe downtown to serve inner city needs? Or Terwilligar and ministter to the rich people? It is to this that I have been giving my greatest amount of thought. Where are we needed? What can we give? What would be the best for the people in my congregation? Those of you who can, please pray for Chuck and I as we seek this out.

And yet... something must be done about these other, darker things that serve to distract me or hold me back - that keep me "stuck."

But my master is good. I am content that he will support me, propel me and shape me to take care of these things. So, I wait. My master has done well in teaching me this skill.
:: written by Matt Thompson, 10:28 PM


"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles" Isaiah 40:31 - I love that verse and I have always found it to be a promise that holds true.
Congratulations on you book extravagansa!!!!!!
love Shirley
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:21 AM  

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