Canticles of the Unhomed

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Porno Caper

Mack keeps telling me that I should come up with a better name for it, but "the porno caper" has just sort of stuck.

Here at the House, we are into doing things together. Eating, watching movies, jamming, cleaning, showering. Ha! Just kidding. We rarely clean.

So Mack has to go and buy a copy of the Ragamuffin Gospel, (an awesome book that everyone should read and study) so he had to go to that Dark Abyss of Such Unspeakable Evil that We Dare Not Speak Its Name, otherwise known as the local Christian bookstore; I would say which, but again, it is the Dark Abyss of Such Unspeakable Evil that We Dare Not Speak Its Name. So in keeping with this together philosphy, I went with him. As well, as his pastor, I couldn't very well send a young guy like Mack into the Dark Abyss of Such Unspeakable Evil that We Dare Not Speak Its Name alone. However, to get the copy of the book that he needed, we were forced to go to the store on the north side of town. This is where it gets good.

This particular store is RIGHT NEXT DOOR - same strip mall, doors are only twenty feet apart - to a porn shop. If I had a camera, the picture would be on this blog right now! It was great. One stop shopping, I guess. You stand in the parking lot (the SHARED parking lot) and on your left you have #^&*ings Christian Marketplace and on your right you have Adult Video Store. (or whatever its name was) The two stores share a wall! It was great.

So we were in the Dark Abyss of Such Unspeakable Evil that We Dare Not Speak Its Name, and the abominations that we saw will chill my soul forever. Something tells me that my soul would have been less troubled in the porno shop. I saw the "spiritual biography" of George Bush. It was called "Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George Bush." Oh yeah. Check it out here. Here's a quote from the Dark Abyss of Such Unspeakable Evil that We Dare Not Speak Its Name's website about the book: "More than any other world leader in recent times, George W. Bush is a man of faith…a conservative Christian who has brought the power of prayer and the search for God’s will into the Oval Office..." OH. MY. GOD. I have no words. None.

So we were on our way out, and I just couldn't help myself. I said to the teller, "I coudln't help but notice your nieghbor," tilting my head in the direction of the porn shop. She went on to talk about glaring at people who go in, hoping to make them feel guilty, suggested that we should go outside and hand out tracts on the evil of pornography, talked about how they hoped to force them out of business, and so on. I suggested that it was an interesting commentary on society, to which she said that it was like "good and evil." The hostility was extreme, and frankly not surprising.

So Mack and I were about to drive away, and I looked at the porno shop, and said, "Mack, I'm going in. I just have to talk to this guy!" So, dutifully leaving Mack in the car, I ran INTO the porno shop.

Careful of where I direct my gaze, I walk up to the counter and introduce myself to the owner, who was working behind the counter. His name was Mark. I could tell right away that he was thrown off. Something tells me he doesn't have personal conversations with many of his customers. I ask him how he feels about working next to a christian bookstore. This was his response. I have tried to remember it exactly, but don't quote me. He said, "I have no problem with them whatsoever. They believe in what they're doing, and I applaud them for that. They seem like nice people, and I wish them all the success in the world." I was awestruck that this man, owner of a pornography store was representing Christ more to me than the judgemental employee at the christian bookstore. When I repeated the conversation that I had with the bookstore employee, Mark only laughed. He went on, "I try not to judge. I don't agree with or like some of the things that my customers buy, but that's their business." He especially liked the comment that the employee wanted to put Mark out of business. He said, "They can hate me if they want. I will still smile and say hello when we pass in the parking lot."

Don't get me wrong. Porn is hurtful, sinful and damaging to our society, our minds, and our spirits. It is growing danger. It objectifies men AND women, and builds, proliferates and promotes negative sexual attitudes. I have seen first hand the damage that porn does to families, marriages and lives.

I just found it interesting the difference in the attitudes. The one that you would expect to be loving was not, and the one that you would expect to be angry and hostile was not. As we talked, I told Mark that I was a pastor. He asked me about my church, and I hold him about the House, and he was interested, so I gave him my info. He then started to ask questions about Christianity, and morality, and we had a really awesome discussion. Something was begun there.

I don't know if I will ever see or hear from Mark. But at least he got to be exposed to a Christian that didn't automatically hate him.

It was a good caper.

:: written by Matt Thompson, 5:54 PM


dude, i can't stop smiling. well done.
Blogger N, at 12:24 AM  
That is kind of humorous, and I can see you doing that. It would have been fun to watch.

Part of the reason non-Christians may show up Christians in this manner is a relatavistic view of truth, but even without that they can outdo us. I've seen it happen.
(And if you have a Jesus fish or something like that on your vehicle-please drive properly or take it off.)
Blogger pilgrim, at 9:47 PM  
Quotes: Once again the bad reviews are from people who have a distorted view of Christianity...We are so privileged to have this true "man of faith" leading our country...President George W. Bush is one of the most far-sighted, sincere, honest, courageous leaders we have had since Theodore Roosevelt.

Matt, with all these good reviews, one must come to the conclusion that this is an excellent book about a truly purpose driven presidency! That's it, I'm voting republican this year instead of conservative, lib or ndp. At least we could get Bush to invade Canada and save us from our oppressive government.
Blogger Lightfoot, at 12:40 AM  
I am Jacks unrealized potential
Blogger Renegade of Funk, at 9:57 AM  
what kind of crazy stuff are you doing, talking to people?? what the hell? I'm sure we can find a workshop on guilt alignment evangilism that you should be taking

call me for bkfst
steve the z
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:07 AM  

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